Northpower approved contractors
Here's our list of approved contractors
Only specifically approved contractors can connect new lines or cables from your property to Northpower poles or pillars.
We’ll need to know which approved contractor you would like to inspect and liven your connection from the list below. This contractor will invoice you or your electrician for the work directly.
Please visit their website or contact them directly for more information.
Specialists in inspections, liven to network and meter hanging
EASL (Electricity Activation Services Limited)
Phone 021 735 625
Lal Electrix (Nilesh Lal)
Phone 021 325 258
Mr Electri City Limited (Jerrie Coetzee)
Phone 09 435 3183
Wells Instrument & Electrical Services (Electrasafe)
Phone 0800 934 677
Specialists in power to boundary and subdivisions
2 Ducks Contracting
Phone 021 431 899
Bright Power
Phone 021 623 127
MEC Electric
Phone 021 468 855
Northland Power Services
Phone 021 195 6099
Northpower Contracting
Phone 0800 667 847
Apply online here
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