Staying safe
Staying safe around electricity
Whether you’re at home, outside doing DIY around your place, doing the mahi at your business or farm, or enjoying recreation time in Aotearoa New Zealand’s beautiful outdoors, it’s important to stay safe around electricity.
Here you’ll find our safety hub with information and advice on how to keep you, your whānau, your workmates and those around you safe from harm.

Key things you need to know when it comes to staying safe around our network
Staying safe at home

Keeping safe while working around your place

Check for overhead lines

Before you start digging

Trimming trees near power lines

Safety around service lines

Temporary disconnections

Stay safe working around electricity
Our guide to working safely around Northpower’s electricity and communications networks is a great resource to help get your job done safely and efficiently.
Keeping safe while doing the mahi
If you’re planning any works at all around our network – either underground or above ground – we ask that you plan ahead. This means knowing the rules when working around overhead and underground power and carrying out the necessary steps to comply with legislation and keep you and everybody else on the job site safe. Find out everything you need to know before you start.

Working around our network

Temporary (safety) disconnections

Digging near power poles

Trimming trees and vegetation

Transporting high loads

Preparing for outages
‘Be mindful, be present, be safe’ – He taonga ko tahi manaaki tatou katoa. What is precious to one we must all take care of, protect and treasure. We protect ourselves and look out for those around us’
Keeping our people safe
Our grassroots, ground-up approach to safety, ensures that everyone – at all levels across our organisation – is empowered and encouraged to be a safety leader. We pride ourselves on our genuine commitment to keeping our people safe, well and healthy both mentally and physically.
Find out more about how we keep our Northpower whanāu safe from harm while working.