
Contracting Capabilities

Northpower provides contracting services across the North Island including engineering, infrastructure management and maintenance and construction.

Access to financial support

Here's how to get support with your power bill

If you’re having trouble paying your power bill, you should contact your power retailer as soon as possible and talk to them about your situation.

This is especially important if:

  • you’re on a low income
  • someone in the household has a health condition, or is vunerable
  • someone in your household is medically dependent on the mains power supply to your home

Your power retailer can help

Your power retailer should try to help you if you have problems paying your power bills.

Depending on your circumstances, your power retailer might:

  • discuss a payment plan for you
  • suggest an alternative pricing plan
  • advise you of agencies that can help you with budgeting and/or
  • refer you to Work and Income (with your consent) to determine whether you might be eligible for financial assistance

Your power retailer should not disconnect you if doing so might endanger your well-being or that of anyone in your household.

For more advice, check out Citizen’s Advice Bureau or Work and Income.

Disconnection should be a last resort

Reducing your power use

Check out our helpful advice and tips for reducing your power use and achieving a lower power bill in our advice hub.