Contracting Capabilities

Northpower provides contracting services across the North Island including engineering, infrastructure management and maintenance and construction.

In the community

Local ownership, local benefits

We are wholly Aotearoa New Zealand owned by the consumers in the Whangārei and Kaipara regions who are connected to our electricity network. Our purpose is anchored in making a valuable contribution to Northlansd.

We’re proud of our impact and contribution to the communities we serve, that goes beyond simply providing rock solid electricity and fibre infrastructure, and construction services. Our impact helps keep our local economy and the country’s networks running from our multiple locations across the motu, delivering great outcomes for communities, homes and business across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Making a difference

Bringing value to Northland

Local sponsorships

Job opportunities

Investing in our community

Grow with us

Northpower is a key player in New Zealand’s energy sector. Find out more and discover the career opportunities on offer.