Contracting Capabilities

Northpower provides contracting services across the North Island including engineering, infrastructure management and maintenance and construction.

100% locally owned and managed

Local ownership brings big benefits

The Northpower Electric Power Trust (the Trust) owns Northpower Ltd on behalf of consumers connected to Northpower’s electricity network in the Kaipara and Whangārei districts.

As a single owner, the Trust is accountable for the stewardship of the Trust’s assets, funded by previous generations of consumers, for the benefit of current and future generations of beneficiaries.

All connected electricity consumers are beneficiaries and receive pricing discounts, returning wealth to the local area while retaining ownership of a critical local infrastructure asset. The Trust is committed to returning profits to the people in the communities we serve and since 1993 the has returned more than $260 million to these electricity consumers.

Meet our Trustees

Trust reports

Distribution charges discount

Our Trustees

To talk to any of the Trustees on matters relating to the Trust you can call them on 0800 434 100 or email Alternatively contact an individual trustee, please see their contact details below.

FAQs - Trust ownership

As a single owner, the Trust is accountable for the stewardship of the Trust’s assets – funded by previous generations of consumers – for the benefit of current and future generations of beneficiaries.

All connected consumers are beneficiaries and receive pricing discounts, returning wealth to the local area while retaining ownership of a critical local infrastructure asset.

Northpower is transitioning from providing a dividend to the NEPT for distribution to consumers, to a model that blends dividends to NEPT and discounts to connected energy customers.

This change will result in lower net line charges to consumers, via reduced costs on their energy bills for most consumers.

Trust reports

The Northpower Electric Power Trust documentation shows the historic activities of the Trust, along with the current Annual Report.


Trust Reports

Our commitment to paying a living wage


Innovative approaches to digital security recognised at cybersecurity awards

Northpower trainee wins employee of the year

Unleashing fibre – Deloitte’s new report