Contracting Capabilities

Northpower provides contracting services across the North Island including engineering, infrastructure management and maintenance and construction.

Working around electricity

Planning some DIY around your home or property?

If you’re digging holes around your home or property for jobs like building a fence, digging a garden, or ramming in posts, it’s important to know the location of underground power lines and cables.

Northpower’s cables are laid at different depths in the ground that can vary from just under the surface to over 1200mm deep. There’s a real risk of electrocution, explosion or fire if you or something you’re holding strikes a power line or communications cable.

Stay safe near underground power lines and cables

  • Before you begin any digging, visit to find out where electricity and communications cables are located
  • If cables are present, Northpower offers a service to assess your project and give advice on how to commence work safely
  • Northpower can only provide this service if the assessment has been completed
  • Contact our faults team 0800 10 40 40 to schedule your assessment, available Monday to Friday between 8am-3:30pm. If you allow at least 2 business days’ notice, the service is free
  • Outside the above timeframes, underground fault finding on your private service line is a chargeable service we can provide and overtime rates may apply
  • You can also apply online for a safety disconnect through our service centre

Stay safe near overhead lines

If you’re up a ladder roofing, clearing your spouting, painting or using scaffolding, stay safe and watch out for overhead service lines. These are the power lines connecting your home or business to the lines and poles in the street.

Why be careful? If you or your ladder, broom or scaffolding comes into contact with your service line or power line, there’s a real risk of electrocution, explosion or fire.

Here’s how to stay safe

  • Stay aware of your surroundings and stay at least 4 metres away from power lines and service lines at all times
  • If you’re planning to work near service lines, including work from your roof, ladder or scaffold, call us on 0800 10 40 40 and we’ll arrange to have your power temporarily disconnected. You can also apply online for a safety disconnect through our service centre.
  • If you allow at least two working days’ notice for us to process your request, your power disconnection and reconnection is FREE

Learn more about staying safe together

Keep your trees away from power lines

Fallen power lines

Safe service lines

Safe guy wires