Thermal Drive-by inspection services
What are thermal drive-by inspections?
Northpower’s Thermal Drive-by Inspection services utilise technology developed by KEPCO in Korea.
This game changing technology uses a state-of-the-art vehicular mounted robotic thermal camera, in parallel with artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically analyse and find patterns in the thermal data collected.

Our capabilities
Northpower’s engineers can perform this service along road-side overhead networks at a speed of approximately 30km/h, with accurate detection of all thermal (IR) issues. When a thermal issue is detected, the system captures all relevant defect data (thermal data, visual image, GPS data, date/time).
A comprehensive detailed extraction report and individual analysis reports are generated automatically. Furthermore, we utilise GPS, to display the diagnosis route on the map and colour codes equipment on the map depending on their condition.
Automatic software analysis using artificial intelligent (AI) technology performs detailed analysis of the field data.

Key features
This game-changing service can detect and accurately locate any type of thermal signatures and irregularities at 30km/h, 10x faster than traditional inspection services.
- Accuracy – Northpower’s Thermal Drive-by Inspection services can accurately detect electrical equipment in distress, in advance of them ultimately failing.
- Reliability – identification of defects using state-of-the-art software algorithms in conjunction with artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically analyse and find patterns in the thermal data collected from our drive-by service.
- Benefits – SAIDI reductions resulting in operational savings and improved public safety – including a reduction of potential fire risk and customer outages.
- Capability – the thermal drive-by approach, resolves the safety risks of conventional methods, as the engineer stays within the vehicle and reduces the diagnosis time compared to manual diagnosis. It allows the operator to perform expert-level diagnosis and safely.
- Speed – our Thermal Drive-by Inspection technology runs at 10 x the speed of traditional methods.