Medically dependent advice
What to do if you're medically dependent on electricity
Have a plan
We recommend you have a plan in case of an unplanned power outage including:
- a backup power supply (generator or batteries) to get you through the power outage
- an emergency contact that you can call or message if you’re without power, so they can check on you or help
- a backup person that can check on you if your emergency contact is unavailable, like a neighbour
- a plan to get to a hospital or to a GP if needed
If you have serious concerns for your health or wellbeing, call 111.
Advise your energy retailer
If you’re medically dependent on power, you should inform your energy retailer as soon as possible (the company you pay your power bill to).
You can get a Notice of Potential Medically Dependent Consumer Status from your GP, hospital or Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora to show your power retailer.
More information
For more information visit:
The Electricity Authority’s consumer care and medically dependent advice
If you have any concerns or need further information, please contact us.