Contracting Capabilities

Northpower provides contracting services across the North Island including engineering, infrastructure management and maintenance and construction.

Energy retailers

What's an energy retailer?

Energy retailers sell you electricity and pay us a small portion for the use of our power lines to get electricity to you.

There are many energy retailers that you can choose to buy electricity from and as the lines company, Northpower works with many of them.

Energy retailers will offer you different rates and prices for the power that you use, while some will bundle other services like gas, internet and phone.

It can pay to shop around!

We recommend shopping around energy retailers to get the best deal that’s suitable for your circumstances.

Check out the Powerswitch website to compare retailers for your address.

Learn how to save money and be more sustainable

Saving power can also save you money and contributes to a more sustainable environment.

Here are some top tips to help cut down your power usage.