Existing homes and dwellings
Need an alteration to your power supply?
If your needs have changed, we can help organise an alteration to electricity supply whether it’s an upgrade or downgrade of power supply.
Examples include additional power requirements to farm property like cowsheds, woolsheds and workshops – or if you’re splitting a property into separate titles.
Moving power from overhead lines to underground power is also classed by us as an alteration to supply.
Organise an alteration to supply here
The first step in organising an alteration to your electricity supply is to fill out our application for work form and we’ll be in touch.
Please tick the ‘Alteration of existing supply‘ box in the ‘work required’ section of the form.

Undergrounding power
Sometimes we place overhead power lines underground for safety or aesthetic reasons.
If you’re interested in finding out more about the criteria for having overhead lines placed underground, a discussion with our design team is the best place to start.