
Contracting Capabilities

Northpower provides contracting services across the North Island including engineering, infrastructure management and maintenance and construction.

Northpower commences our Transpower contracts

At the end of August, Northpower commenced our new contracts with Transpower New Zealand.

One of these was Regional Service Contract 2 (RSC2), which covers a portion of the Central North Island area where we’ll be looking after transmission substations and line assets. We’re proud to have also been appointed as members of the Substations and General Lines Contestable Works Panels.

Northpower also procured two specialist service contracts, covering all high-voltage cables nationally and an exciting new Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) contract where we’ll undergo conductor inspections using drone technology.

“The bid process for these contracts felt like a huge team effort where everyone put their shoulder to the wheel,” says Commercial Manager James Robertson. “Fundamentally the theme of the bid was about our people. I couldn’t be prouder with how that resonated – but not surprised as that is our culture here at Northpower.”

Growing stronger together

Working with the right partners, bringing in the right people, and powering our own with the right skills, tools, and mind-sets—we will go further and grow stronger together.

We’re excited and privileged to take on this 5-year journey at Transpower’s side, with the right to renew for another five, where Northpower will play a critical role in supplying a secure source of power for Aotearoa.

On the 29th of August, we kicked off a week-long RSC2 induction week and welcomed new staff, who make up seven new transmission teams across both lines and stations, into the Northpower family. This induction week included the following: HSQE & IT inductions, an introduction to Northpower’s culture and behaviours, and a special briefing from Transpower.

The week concluded with the new members of our Transmission Team (alongside our existing teams) competing in Team-Up Event’s Build-A-Bike charity teambuilding challenge. They went head-to-head against the clock to build a working bicycle. These bikes, 9 in total, were given to a local primary school.

As we transition into these new contracts, being able to share our knowledge, skills, and culture with our local community has been a massive highlight for the team. We’re proud to be building and maintaining the networks that power Aotearoa, New Zealand.