Staying safe at home
Important tips for staying safe around electricity at home
Here you’ll find some important tips and information for staying safe around electricity both in and around your home.
Cords, chargers and multiplugs
- Overloaded plugs or multi boards can generate heat and cause a fire. Make sure you keep them clean of dust and check for any frayed cords
- Charge devices on flat firm surfaces, never on beds or under pillows as they can overheat and cause a fire
- Always turn off and unplug chargers when not in use
- If using extension cords ensure they aren’t a trip hazard or damaged by furniture
- Ensure all appliance cords are out of reach from small children
Keeping things safe
- Remember the heater meter rule – keep electric heaters one metre away from things that can burn
- Store electric blankets flat or rolled when not in use
- Always remember to clean your dryer lint filter after each use
- Test your smoke alarms regularly and have an emergency evacuation plan

Keeping safe while working outside
- Be sure to look up and look out for overhead power lines whenever you’re handling tall objects like ladders, aerials or scaffolding. Never let them touch electricity. If you’re operating any electrical equipment outdoors, always use an RCD (residual current device) or an isolating transformer
- Plant the right tree in the right place, well away from power lines. Keep branches trimmed before they get too close.
- Contact us before carrying out any work close to power lines, including work from your roof, ladder or scaffold. Plan your work and arrange a safety disconnect.
- Watch out for what’s below. Arrange for a cable locate if you have underground services in the area you want to dig.
You can find more information about safely working around power here.

Make sure you are well prepared for a power outage
It’s important that you and your whānau plan ahead to keep safe during power outages.
These may be unplanned, or the result of unplanned outages, such as cars hitting power poles or storms.
Here’s some advice to help you and your family, friends and neighbours prepare and keep safe during storms or other situations that may affect your power supply.
Fun outdoors
- Before boating know the height of your masts and aerials above land when towing and above water when sailing. Always keep an eye out for overhead power lines
- Fly kites in open areas away from power lines and if something gets caught in power lines please contact us
- Make sure drones are only flown in clear spaces away from power lines, power poles and substations
- Ensure curious kids never touch or climb power poles

Keep safe around our networks
Visit our safety hub to learn about how to keep safe around our networks while at home, doing the mahi (work) or out and about in beautiful Northland.