Installing fibre at your new development or subdivision
Looking to install fibre for your project?
If you’re developing land and creating a subdivision or multi-unit development, we can help with installing Northpower Fibre ultra-fast broadband connectivity to your site.
Here’s the process for getting fibre at your new development and how we can help.
Get fibre at your new development or subdivision
The first step is to submit an online application through our service centre. We’ll need to see your development plans and other required information.
Projects adjacent to, or near our network boundary can be assessed as to whether we can provide service and if so, we’ll provide a quote for the work involved.
When you’re ready to go, please accept the quote and we can get underway. Please note quotations are based on details provided by you and we retain the right to withdraw our quotation and re-quote in event of any omission or error in the information provided.
We’ll design the network and assign a project manager. We can communicate either directly with you or your chosen civil contractor to confirm timing and arrange material.
Depending on the contract, we’ll either supply and install materials in the provided trench or provide materials to your civil contractor to install according to our technical specifications. In some instances, we’ll include the civil component as part of our work.
We’ll test the network and update our records.
At this point, you submit the land title plans with case number assigned to and clearance is provided if all requirements are met.

Any further questions?
If you need any further assistance or would like to talk to us about your plans and get further advice, please get in touch.