Contracting Capabilities

Northpower provides contracting services across the North Island including engineering, infrastructure management and maintenance and construction.

Telecommunications Dispute Resolution Scheme

A free service to help resolve disputes about telecommunications services

Northpower Fibre is a wholesale member of the Telecommunication Disputes Resolution Service (TDR), a free service available to residential and small businesses with complaints about telecommunications services.

Talk to your retailer first

If a problem arises – including faults or issues with an installation – you should first contact your retail service provider (also known as an Internet Service Provider / ISP) and let them know about the problem.

Your retail service provider will contact us if the issue involves our network and we will work with you and your service provider to resolve the issue.

If your issue is still not resolved

If you are unable to come to an agreement with your telecommunications company, or it has been more than six weeks since you complained and the issue is yet to be resolved, then the TDR may be able to help.

Please contact TDR on 0508 98 98 98 or visit their website.