New meters
Helping your customers with electricity meters
All residential and commercial properties connected to the Northpower network must have electricity meter equipment installed.
This is so electricity use can be measured and billed for accordingly by the energy retailer (unless arrangements have been made to have a non-metered supply).
Who provides the electricity meter?
Our customers are responsible for having a meter installed, along with its maintenance and security.
The electricity retailer determines who will be the metering equipment provider (MEP). The MEP then decides who will provide the equipment and who installs it. Please refer any meter installation enquiries to the electricity retailer.
You’re welcome to provide a check meter device to monitor electricity usage, but it needs to be clearly marked as ‘check meter only’.
Multi-tenanted buildings will often have combined meter stations. Each meter needs to be clearly labelled with the flat number or tenant area.
Technical information
The following technical information gives guidelines and requirements for installing electricity meters at residential and commercial or multi-dwelling properties, and multiple meter sites.
The EEA website is a useful resource with their Metering Safety Good Practice Guide.
Installing a meter station on a residential property
Electricity meters must be outside and positioned on the front of the building or structure facing the road or access way, or on the sides of the building immediately adjacent to the front. It must be easily and directly accessible from the road or access way.
Here’s some general guidance on meter station installation:
- there must be no fences, walls, obstructions, prickly plants, excessive vegetation, dangerous animals or other hazards that restrict access to the meter station. The meter enclosure needs to be weatherproof and secure from unauthorised entry or interference
- if there are hazards or entry restrictions to the property, the meter should be installed at an accessible location e.g the front boundary
- the meter station should be positioned to avoid direct sunlight and high temperatures, excessive humidity, vibration or mechanical damage
- the height of the meter should be between 1.4 metres and 1.75 metres above ground level and able to be easily read by a standing person. If the meter is likely to be damaged by stock or other animals, the display may be up to 2.1 metres above the ground
- the meter should be able to be read through a transparent window without having to open the enclosure
- all meter stations should have an isolation switch for safety purposes and a protection fuse for any ripple relays and hot water supply
- for any wiring guides, refer to the metering equipment provider
Installing a meter at a commercial or multi-dwelling property
The meter should be installed outside as with residential installations, however it may be located inside the building if there is no suitable outdoor location. It should be secure and safe from damage and able to be easily read.
Indoor meters must be easily accessible during working hours and should not pass through hazardous, restricted or hygiene (e.g food preparation) areas. A key should be provided or access arrangements made.
High rise or multi-tenanted buildings should have all the meters located in a central area.
Prepay meters can be used with the approval of the energy retailer.
Installing multiple meters
Where multiple phases are supplied, the customer load should be spread as evenly as possible across the available phases. It’s preferred that the controlled meter is positioned to the right or below the uncontrolled meters.
Each meter should be labelled with the appropriate tariff code.
Each meter station will be clearly labelled with the Installation Control Point (ICP) or premise number provided by Northpower.
Once the meter station is EGR (Electricity Governance Rule) certified, an EGR certification label is to be provided.
Each installation must be able to be separately isolated at a point on the supply side of the meter.
If a non-metered supply is provided, a meter station will not be required. However the installation must still be clearly labelled with the ICP or premise number.